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Showing posts from September, 2017


Considering the dimensions of globalization and how this factor affects both national and international companies, it is important to mention a concept that is closely linked to globalization and its economic aspect, which is Corporate Social Responsibility. However, what is Corporate Social Responsibility? according to what Cajiga (n.d.)  mentioned , while Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is inherent to the company, it has recently become a new form of management and do business, in which the company ensures that its operations are sustainable in economic, social and environmental terms, recognizing the interests of the different groups with which it is related and seeking the preservation of the environment and the sustainability of future generations. It is a business vision that integrates respect for people, ethical values, community and the environment with the management of the company, regardless of the products or services it offers, the sector to which it bel...


WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? Globalization is a widely used, yet difficult to define, concept that not only has diverse interpretations, but also can be used in different dimensions that are totally different among them, but which have a common engine, trade. In order to understand the concept of globalization, first we are going to define it through different authors. According to the Real Academia Española, globalization is a process whereby economies and markets, with the development of communication technologies, take on a global dimension, so that they increasingly depend on external markets and less the regulatory action of the Governments, as well as a worldwide diffusion of the modes, values or trends that promote the uniformity of tastes and customs. Mittelman (1996) considers that globalization is a fusion of transnational processes and domestic structures that allow the economy, politics, culture and ideology of one country to penetrate into another. Globalization...


Below, there are some key words from the vocabulary of Globalization, in relation to international institutions and their functions. Keywords: Development: Development is a historical concept that has evolved, so it does not have a unique definition. Still, it can be said that developing is the process by which a community progresses and grows economically, socially, culturally or politically. Globalization: Globalization is an inevitable phenomenon in human history that has brought the world closer through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture. In the last decades, this global integration has spectacularly gained speed due to unprecedented advances in technology, communications, science, transport and industry. International Institution: World-wide organizations that have specific aims within world markets and generally seek stability and transparency in all international operations. NGO: A non-governmental organization (NGO)...


In our research, we managed to compile a variety of sources that gave both positive and negative views concerning globalization. In that way, this last term could be covered to a greater extent and maintain an objective opinion.  Below are the sources that give validity to the information presented in this blog. References: BM. (2017). Quiénes somos. Banco Mundial.  Retrieved on August 19, 2017 from: Cajiga, J. (n.d.). EL CONCEPTO DE RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL. Cemefi, Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía. ESR, Empresa Socialmente Responsable. Retrieved on September 27, 2017 from: CINU. (2017) ¿Qué es la ONU? Centro de información de las Naciones Unidas, Montes Urales, México D.F.  Retrieved on August 20, 2017 from: CINU.(2017). ¿Qué es una ONG?. Centro de Información de la Nac...

Who we are

We are two English-Spanish translation students with mention in international business with the aim of broaden our knowledge regarding globalization and the elements it possesses.  Therefore, we began an investigation with the intention of collect and comprehend what globalization is, the dimensions of this one and international organisms and institutions that currently exist.  It is known that globalization is a phenomenon that is difficult to explain, and that in many cases it is used mistakenly by people. Understanding it correctly gives us the advantage to comprenhend how the world is being handled and how institutions carry out their functions internationally. This blog was created with that idea in mind.